Wednesday, May 21, 2008

These computer programs make me feel like I am 12.

Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, Twitter, Flutter, Spritzer, Fluffer, Nutter Butter...I feel like I'm in grade school all over again.

You get on MySpace (which I never did, by the way) you get all these friends, and then there's a cooler club to join - Facebook, so you go hang out with Facebook, and you start at the bottom again. You get the friends, join the groups, poke people, blah blah blah. Then there's Twitter, which is new and actually pretty shocking since you're basically stalking people all day long. You follow people and see what they are doing moment to moment. It's very Truman Show. I swear, I'm going to get a nice, solid group of people to "follow" me, and then there will be a new group to join, new people to poke, and a new club to look in on. Frustrating!!!

By the way, please start following me on Twitter- Look up- rachelleah27

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