Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted in person for the first time!

Since I have always voted absentee ballot...I have never had the chance to walk in and vote. Well today changed all that. I was so excited. I woke up at 5:45AM, got dressed, and drove over to the church down the street. There were about 100 people in line ahead of me at 6:45AM and it was RAINING (I know, California...what's up?)

I took my trusty clear swatch umbrella and stood in line. Going over my sample ballot, making sure I knew my props....really it was very magical. My favorite moment was just before I made it inside, my friend Greta from NY texted "I just changed America."

I teared up.
I voted!
My chads were not hanging!
It was a glorious day!

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