Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Notebook (RLC edition)

Last night I went for sushi at my favorite sushi place, Katsuya, with my friend. As we are munching on our creamy salmon cut roll (my favorite), my friend begins to tell me a story of how someone at her work who is in her 50's or 60's dated this boy when she was young. Her parents didn't want her to see the boy, so they sent her to a different country to go to school.

Seperated from her love and not able to receive his letters, they go their seperate ways. They both end up marrying other people and raising families. She divorced, he lost his wife to illness, and now after 40 something years, they found each other, have rekindled their love and are getting back together.

"Holy Crap!" I exclaim with tuna tartare flying out of my mouth...Maybe that can happen to me!! Maybe there is a chance for me to rekindle love for one of my old childhood sweethearts!!! And then in one fell swoop, the reality hit me.

All of my childhood sweethearts are gay.


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